What is e-CRM?
Industry rules and regulation keep changing and evolving and therefore stop you being as creative as you would like. When using real customer service for e CRM staff you need well trained knowledgeable staff who if they don't know the answer to a question at least know where to look to find it.
There are some e CRM control issue that confirm marketers regulatory.
Unintegrated system
In experience
Hi churn rate
Spiralling cleaning costs
Changing regulations
Information overloaded
On integrated systems is subsystem to each other either online or offline this is one of the most common challenges and one that has to be overcome without all the data on all the systems having to be e re created
the expensive way to tackle this is to get in new hardware and software and recapture all the data and there is a better way to work with a company that has the skills scope and track record to do the job.
In experience; some of these forms of advice some free others have a fee attached
the best way to learn about the short of information that is available for those setting off and managing database and e-crm system is to visit some of the organisation which offer such service.
High churn rate;
The result of high churn rate is high recruitment cost and high data capture cost as well as increasing the required rate of cleaning.
Spirailing cleaning cost;
Dirty database is the best database. Clinic cost can be escalate.it is essential to maintain the integrity of the database. However there can be pressure to reduce cleaning cost by either de implicating less often or less thoroughly.
Changing regulations
don't forget to read up on changing law and regulation particularly if you attract international customers.